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Annotated Bibliography For Investigation Paper

Important collections of Frost components are in the write essay service Jones Library in Amherst, Mass., Amherst College Library, Dartmouth Higher education Library, University of Virginia Library, and College of Texas Library, Austin. In addition to the volumes by Frost cited in the text earlier mentioned, editions of his writings include Gathered Poems, Prose & Plays, ed. Richard Poirier and Mark S. Richardson (1995), and “The Gathered Prose of Robert Frost,” ed. M. S. Richardson (Ph.D. diss., Rutgers Univ., 1993). Added correspondence seems in Letters of Robert Frost to Louis Untermeyer, ed. Louis Untermeyer (1963), and Picked Letters of Robert Frost, ed. Lawrance Thompson, 1964. Frost’s spoken words and phrases are transcribed in Robert Frost Speaks, ed. Daniel Smythe (1964) Robert Frost, Daily life and Talks-Strolling, ed. Louis Mertins (1965) Interviews with Robert Frost, ed. E. C. Lathem (1966) Robert Frost: A Living Voice, ed. Reginald Cook (1974) and Newdick’s Period of Frost, ed. William online writing services Sutton (1976).

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